why is smoking not permitted in the laboratory?

A mask 4. C. These materials must be handled carefully. Lab 1: Laboratory Safety Quiz Name: Khoo Yu Sean ID:1001954104 All group members should submit this quiz individually Whom should you call in case of an emergency in the lab? Never mouth pipette. of chemical spills. ... No eating, drinking, smoking permitted! Where Smoking Is Not Permitted: The Laboratory, in keeping with the purpose of this policy and in compliance with California law, has. Your actions can and should minimize the danger of injury, illness, irradiation, fire, explosion, or contamination through accident, neglect, ignorance, vandalism, lack of planning or foresight, and the unexpected. It is bad for your health 3. The storage or consumption of food or beverages, application of make-up, and smoking are prohibited in all laboratory areas and hazardous chemical storage areas. c. Handwashing. 6. laboratory. Smoking is not allowed in any part of the building Students are not permitted to carry mobile phones or any music generating device (eg ipod, mp3 players, pda's) in the laboratory If you have these they must be kept in your bag and turned off 8. A. Instructor Why is smoking not permitted in the lab? When you leave the laboratory, wash your hands, particularly before eating. Food waste, wrappers, containers, etc. The lab could be blown up 4. Long hair must be tied back to minimize fire hazard or contamination of experiments. Safety Glasses 3. Avoid "routine" exposures. can be spread by smoking. There are no ash trays in the lab 12) What should be worn in a laboratory at all times to decrease the likelihood of eye injury? To prevent exposure to hazardous chemicals through ingestion, do not eat, drink, chew gum, or apply cosmetics in areas where hazardous chemicals are used. 1. 5. Smoking, eating, and drinking in the laboratory are absolutely prohibited. Anyone wearing inappropriate footwear will not be allowed to work in the lab. Why smoking is not allowed in the laboratory? It is inconvenient 2. 7. One, disease. Smoking should not be allowed in the laboratory. 11) Why is smoking not permitted in the lab? B. Radioactive material should be labeled as radioactive and stored in a proper container so as to prevent spillage or leakage. Lab coats should not be worn outside the laboratory. Nothing Food and drink may become contaminated by toxic substances. 1. Smoking is a fire hazard. C. The lab could be blown up What would immediately be used if your clothing caught fire or if a large chemical spill had occured on your … Eating, drinking, smoking, or use of tobacco products, the application of cosmetics, the storage of food and beverages or similar activities are not permitted in laboratories or other facilities where hazardous materials are used, handled or stored. Two, smoking can cause a fire or explosion. Applying cosmetics in the lab, including hand lotions, also enables chemical absorption and is another source of skin exposure, particularly in the areas where hazardous chemicals are stored. Do not taste and avoid smelling any hazardous chemicals. Corrective lenses 2. determined that smoking is not permitted in these areas: In any Laboratory building; In any Laboratory vehicle; Within 25 feet (7.62 meters) of any Laboratory building; On decks or stairs; In areas with vegetation Eating, drinking and smoking are not permitted in the laboratory. You should frequently wash your hands while working in the. Frequent handwashes, especially when leaving the laboratory… General Lab Safety And Housekeeping Safety Safety is of utmost importance in the labs. Presently, no smoking is allowed in most flights, but the lights are switched on to remind the passengers that smoking is not permitted.
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