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A Park Ridge alderman’s appointment to the chamber of commerce board of directors has prompted objections from a resident who claims the dual service represents a conflict of interest. The free virtual presentation by the violinist and jazz violin faculty member at the Music Institute of Chicago is part of the Music Institute’s Jazz Lecture Fall Series as well as its Beyond the Stage: Musicians on Music series. But coach Tony Lavorato says ‘On March 13, if we’ve played 16 games, I’d be beside myself.’, Just 50 miles from Lake Michigan, groundwater is running out, leaving Illinois towns with a tough choice to make, Illinois Tollway will permanently end cash toll collections nearly a year after switching to all-electronic payments, Black Chicago police officers band together for new voice during reckoning over racism in law enforcement. Elmwood Park, Illinois opened a recreation center with four indoor bocce courts. Challenge yourself with online puzzles & games. No matter what you’re into, RCN TV in Chicago has you covered. The Restaurant at Sweatlodge offers some of the best Russian and Eastern European cuisine in the city. The following items were taken from the Park Ridge Police Department bulletin. School District 207, Advocate Lutheran General to partner on COVID-19 vaccination clinic for educational staff, Park Ridge aldermen green light citizens group to help city with environmental sustainability, Park Ridge news briefs: Coping with COVID-19 topic of virtual talk; Maine South presents winter play online, Arlington Park horse racing track is up for sale, Flag-raising ceremony held in tribute of former District 207 teacher, veterans on Iwo Jima anniversary, Music Institute of Chicago highlights great jazz musicians Eddie South, Stuff Smith, 30 dogs saved from extreme cold in Texas arrive at Wright-Way Rescue in Morton Grove, Father of murdered Elgin toddler waits outside prison on day killer freed: ‘I want him to see someone is here for her’, The death of a Northbrook teenager has focused a shattered community’s attention on mental health, Mother recounts the chilling details leading up to daughter’s death at the hands of her then-boyfriend, Rebuild Illinois money to help fund development projects in Alsip, Calumet Park, Once heralded sports resort project headed back to starting line: ‘We’re plowing forward on foreclosure’, Column: Remembering Jaime McClendon, a New Trier teacher who broke barriers and showed students a world beyond the North Shore, This Gary barbershop is still cutting hair, but the pandemic has hampered its role as a neighborhood gathering site, Animal adoptions are still surging during the pandemic, shelters say: ‘We’ve all found how important our pets are to us’, After months of frustration, Hammond woman faces eviction once moratorium ends: ‘I don’t know how to do this’, As the ‘first line of defense,’ school custodians say their work is receiving increased appreciation during the pandemic, While Illinois lost population over the past decade, four suburban counties grew, study shows. ... RT Shop. Ask Amy Book: FREE Chicago Face Mask + 20% OFF!*. In the early 1980s, fewer and fewer disco records were being released, but the genre remained popular in some Chicago nightclubs and on at least one radio station, WBMX-FM. A healthy and filling vegan lentil soup booming with Middle Eastern spices and flavors. Wright-Way Animal Rescue in Morton Grove accepted 30 dogs brought to escape Texas' bitter cold and extreme weather. Perhaps you ran the Marathon. But you have to have sugar, too, Park Ridge alderman denies appointment to chamber of commerce board creates conflict of interest, Maine South has a 22-game schedule in a COVID-shortened season. The approval process described by Hugo López-Gatell, Mexico’s assistant health secretary, sounded like a Cold War spy thriller, and may not foment confidence in the shot. live. Naomi Osaka gave the Australian Open's electronic line judges her seal of approval after advancing to the second round with a machine-like 6-1 6-2 demolition of Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova on Monday. Park Ridge’s Pickwick Theatre to reopen to moviegoers Feb. 26, COVID-19 vaccination clinics in Skokie give Oakton College students hands-on clinical experience, Park Ridge Chamber unveils plans for public art display featuring fiberglass star sculptures, School news briefs: 13 District 207 students named National Merit Scholarship Finalists, Maine South High School, spurred by feedback from students of color, is working toward a more ‘caring environment’, Judge’s ruling allows Maine Township Republicans to appear on April ballot; appeal under consideration, Slain Yale graduate student attended Maine South High School in Park Ridge, ‘Tom & Jerry’ review: The cat-and-mouse rivals wage battle in low-concept outing, Rick Steves: The back road to Mostar: Off the beaten path in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ed Perkins on Travel: Handicapping Consumer Reports’ agenda for aviation consumer protection, Once a model of the mainstream, the Michigan Republican Party flanks right, Print subscriber?
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