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Or take UK representation in global bodies: the IMF, the UN, and all the global standards-setting bodies that increasingly decide the terms of world trade, whether it is the Codex Alimentarius (on food) or CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). What I am saying is, look, what you are saying is not wholly wrong and there is an issue. There is no trust, partly for the obvious reason that people often fail to understand each other’s languages. “So what was the decisive advantage to Britain, or any other country, of being inside this system, and accepting these thousands of one-size-fits-all regulations? To be fair, these views have long been prevalent among some parts of the Labour Party. They are subject to the same tariff barriers that the EU puts to everyone else. Listener: What happens if they all came back here - jobs would go, we'd have ex-pats coming back here, they'd have nowhere to live. Boris Johnson: It need not last very long at all. (...Applause...). These starter homes, Boris, are not affordable, are they? Boris Johnson MP (mayor of London): Under any circumstances, Stephen, we are going to have a fantastic relationship with the EU. Third is the fundamental dishonesty of continuing to pretend that we are part of a free trading arrangement when it is a political project. Now, who do you think that was on the panel opposite? Nor will our free trade with Europe suffer as the gloom merchants claim. I don’t think that you care about the EU’s total failure, and Andrea was completely right: to do free trade deals with Japan, with Azean, with Mercosur, even with America, which according to the EU’s own figures has meant that in this country alone, we have forsaken - sacrificed 284,000 jobs. Andrew Dismore AM: It is not as far as the residents are concerned. Where shall we have our meetings? We’ve had plenty of rows in the past, you’ll remember rows about welfare, about… we’ve had rows about all sorts of…. Q1208 Helen Goodman: If we are to end the period of uncertainty, it is not terribly helpful for those people who are for Brexit not to give a clear view of what--. BORIS: The tragic reality is that most people don’t know who their MEP [member of the European parliament] is because that thing has not caught on in people’s hearts. BORIS: I think they’re talking the country down, I really do, I think its most extraordinary…. We were promised in the Bloomberg speech, we were promised proper, thoroughgoing, wholesale repatriation of powers from the European Union - serious reform, and I think most people, impartial observers... Nick: Not quite answering the question... How difficult was it to be disloyal? The chair: Thank you for that. Do you not think that part of this is because we now have almost 4,000 fewer police uniforms on the street than when you were first elected with cuts to police officers and police community support officers? This is their business, they know what they’re talking about. Source:, You were going to allow this country to set its own destiny, with a dynamic series of free-trade deals of the kind that have been impossible while the UK has been in the EU. “Well, b******s. It's nothing to do with governments. for instance, has gotten rid of 97% of its tariffs with the EU, 98% I think, and there’s no freedom of movement, free movement deal with Canada at all. Now just imagine that the EU had never been invented and the history of the last 60 years had been entirely different, it would have been all about free trade and economic interpenetration between our friends and partners in the European Union with peace guaranteed by Nato, as indeed it has been. Boris Johnson: This would be a matter for government and parliament to decide, but my preference would be for deficiency payments and farmgate payments that were baked in and supported agriculture in the way it needs to be supported, and stewardship payments as well, because many farmers need support for looking after the land and not just for producing. Q1250 Rachel Reeves: You make that assertion, Mr Johnson, but the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, who appeared on The Andrew Marr Show on the same day that you did, said, “You are either in the single market or you are not in the single market, and if you are not in it then you have trade agreements”. Iceland has a seat; Norway has a seat; the Faroe islands have a seat. Now, what is key to a great deal of this is the regulation that comes on financial services as a result of British lead but also Europe’s – notwithstanding the American influence with the Dodd-Frank Act and all the rest of it – and the fact these financial regulations tend to lead the world in the terms of the direction of travel, because they are very good regulations. We have had no answers to the 14 detailed questions that I put at the London Legacy Development Corporation’s primary, followed up by letter a couple of weeks ago, about the finances, including very basic ones like: What is the interest rate? Let’s not put too much stock in them. Boris: No Holly, if you look at that article it ended with a resounding conclusion that we'd prosper mightily outside, which was indeed the view of the prime minister only a few months ago, when he was saying you know we were going to get all this scaremongering and people would say we'd be worse off- actually, he said then, that we could do very well outside the European Union, and we could do trade deals, and there would be scaremongering. “If we leave on June 23, we can still provide leadership in so many areas. We’re sending £350m every week to Brussels, we are losing control of our democratic institutions. “In return we get uncontrolled immigration, which puts unsustainable pressure on our vital public services as well as on jobs, housing and school places. What has happened is that the London economy has turned around and has risen to about 25% of United Kingdom gross domestic product. WF: Did Obama go too far in coming over here and implying how we should vote? What does it mean to you, this place? Every police officer -- we're putting 20,000 body-worn cameras on police officers so that they will -- so many of the problems that the public have had with the behaviour or worries about the behaviour of the police, police evidence-gathering capabilities, abilities to see exactly what has happened when they arrive at the scene of a crime and to record it, that will be massively improved by body-worn cameras. Stephen Knight AM: Obviously we will have to wait and see, but some of us might find it odd --, Boris Johnson MP (mayor of London): Why on earth --. Would the Americans knuckle under – to a Nafta commission and parliament generating about half their domestic law? This is a problem and a phenomenon that people sometimes find it difficult to accept. Chair: And you may have the last word, yes. Q1308 John Mann: Why did that directive get brought in at the behest of the British government? Boris: I think I think it's highly unlikely, but... Nick: Is this, is this how, is this how, sort of, prominent politicians behave on the world stage? - Our official bill does not, of course, include many other costs of the ‘Single Market’, such as the multibillion tax refunds we are having to make to big business because of decisions of the European Court setting aside our tax legislation. Rent controls constrict supply and are economically illiterate, in my view. Boris Johnson: I am in favour of immigration, but I am in favour of controlled immigration. That's I think is what a lot of people's main problem's here. Q1355 Chair: I am sorry to interrupt, Boris. I'm very proud that that has massively multiplied since I have been mayor, putting about £60m into the pockets of some of the poorest families in our city. They now earn 150 times the average pay of people in their companies. The governor of the Bank of England is telling us that there would be volatility in the foreign exchange markets. And if we wanted to spend it on the northern powerhouse or on taking forward the NHS in Manchester or wherever it happens to be, that should for us. 184,000 net. unskilled and more of a drag? I am going to try to squeeze in five or six questions over the short period. You are talking miserable, negative --, Andrew Dismore AM: In Time Out last week they wrote, “In news that’s set to cause major travel disruption for at least six or seven people, we’ve just heard that the Emirates Air Line cable car is going to be closed all week ... there’s the knock-on effect for nearby tube lines and bus routes, some of which could have to cope with up to three more passengers an hour, as stricken cable car users seek alternative routes.”. We will have at least two years in which the existing treaties will be in force. Mr Humphrys: [Do] you want us to stay inside the single market or leave it? Of course they wont of course they won’t. Why? Could one of you address it? will we remain, or not, a member of the single market? I am asking you whether the EU member states on the council might take some time to agree the negotiating mandate. It is an important argument, and deserves to be taken seriously. Perhaps most worrying of all, the EU's policies are failing in humanitarian terms. What would the effect of a 50% affordable housing target be on the size of homes, bearing in mind that the real shortage in London is for family homes? And I think that was right, I think by the way the policy was right then we should be absolutely confident about the future of this country at the moment -. This is a further step that it is technologically possible thanks to the evolution of cab design. The only relevance of the Y2K bug here is that there was no evidence for the Y2K bug and there is not much evidence for the arguments you are making. I want to see more innovative schemes on our high streets that tackle food waste, help communities and offer access to a variety of good standard cheaper food. There is massive trade. We will regain the power to deport terrorists and terrorist sympathisers and stop violent criminals entering the UK - powers that EU law currently denies to us. If Britain votes to Remain in the EU, then we continue to be subject to an increasingly anti-democratic system that is now responsible for 60 per cent of the law that goes through Westminster – a phenomenon that contributes so powerfully to the modern voter’s apathy, the sensation that we no longer control our destiny, and that voting changes nothing. Source: Fine! Laura. Moderator: Let’s call a halt. Source:, “As far as I can see, even a close study of The Guardian, I cannot see what they are blathering on about, I really can’t. Boris Johnson: First of all, I have looked at FDI [foreign direct investment] into London at the moment, what is going on, confidence in the City, what is happening with our economy. Every 36 seconds, a car European Union. Go ahead Zelco. It is very important to recognise that we would retain the ability to work with our European friends and partners in all the other areas of EU co‑operation that matter greatly to this country and Europe. (...Applause...). Joanna’s in St Albans and you’re through to Boris Johnson, go ahead Joanna. Our system is imbalanced and unfair. We have folded organisations together; we have massively reduced headcount; we have radically reformed the estate to take account of technological change – closing 12 fire stations, 70 police stations and 263 Tube ticket offices. The Conservative Government is sensibly trying to make amends for Miliband’s folly, and to cut the costs of energy for industry – but at every turn we have the problem of the EU, and the objections of Brussels to anything that looks like state aids. I’ve one last one over here. The growth is stunning, and it is in every quadrant of the city. Boris Johnson MP (mayor of London): -- out of TfL’s budget. Londoners deserve proper answers:”, Source:, “i'm proud to have cut mayoral council tax - but as this movie from #esmayoral shows, khan will ramp it up again:”, Source: In the 20 years since the dawn of the 1992 Single Market programme, there were many countries that did far better than the UK at exporting to the EU; 27 non-EU countries did better at increasing their exports of goods, and 21 did better at ramping up their exports of services. BORIS: And I’m sorry but I don’t see any reasonable prospect for deporting those people in those numbers, as long as you’ve been here 12 years. BORIS: I think it’s always better, if you can, to stick with your point of view and fight for the argument within cabinet. It is very important to stress in wanting to have a different relationship with the political project that the EU has become that it in no way diminishes our attachment, our love and our desire for friendship, intensified trade and an intensified partnership --. What we cannot do is try to magic rents down by imposing some sort of government fiat because it just does not work. I established – in questioning the commissioner, Lord Hill, a few weeks ago – that not a single regulation that he is aware of has been repealed, thus far. And it was one of the worst moments. If you want to trade quotes, let’s talk about what your side have been saying. So, I think the big choice is, do we stay in, and Zelco I can see, yes there are arguments for staying in, and the argument that I would make for staying in is that we don’t want to upset other European countries. In 2008, 15% of women working in London earned less than the living wage. I don’t want that. Can somebody ring him up? The NHS leadership has said it needs an additional £30 billion each year by 2020 to meet future pressures. More and more people will exercise their unfettered rights to come to this country, putting more pressure on our public services. Unfortunately, Angela, as she will know, is not talking about anything vote leave has said. They somehow claim a religious justification for the murder and maiming of hundreds of innocent civilians. AMBER: ...That was by direct experience. If the public votes to leave on 23 June, we will continue to fund EU programmes in the UK until 2020, or up to the date when the EU is due to conclude individual programmes if that is earlier than 2020. And here in Croydon it was 5 minutes and 30 for the first and 6 minutes and 45 for the second. Boris: You know, again, I don't want to... Nick: How worried are you about the price of socks? We are now way beyond that stage. We will thrive as never before if he leave the EU.”, “Of course, there is no leader in Europe in the last 20 years who has stood down as the result of an adverse referendum.”, “All we are saying is what any government could do and we are saying after we vote leave on June 23 it will be up to the government to take back control.”, “Not just of immigration policy but obviously of huge sums of money, of our ability to set our economic and political priorities and to stop the situation where 60% of the law going through the Palace of Westminster comes from the EU.”, [On whether he is setting out an alternative vision for government] “The answer to that is no.”, [The national living wage is having a] "huge magnetic effect" on the UK labour], “One of the things I could certainly imagine is that the pressure on prices, particularly in the south east, would abate.”, “You'd get less pressure as a result of the huge influxes that we're seeing. Listener: My question is, how do you feel about the Queen's remarks - about the Queen's remarks at the dinner table, at Windsor Castle last week, there were quite a few, very - well there was quite a few important people there, because I've been to a couple of dinner parties of the Queen, and she only ever invites, who are going to help her... Nick: Alright let's put that directly to: this is a suggestion that the Queen of course in her conversations, let it be known that she's not a fan of the EU and the suggestions it was Michael Gove, who might have leaked this... Boris: All I can say, the most useful thing I can say which will come as no surprise to anybody, is that the Queen seems to me, to be a huge fan of the Elizabeth Line, which is the name that she's graciously consented to be allowed to be given to Crossrail so it's head forward - that's my only recent encounter with the Queen, that's all I can speak of with any, any authority whatever, I don't remember her saying anything about... Nick: How much of a Philip - and not as in the name of her husband - how much of a Philip does the Queen's views - potential views for your campaign, the campaign you're part of... Boris: Look I'd really can't comment on... Nick: What, you can't even say whether it's a boost to the campaign or not? There’s too much judicial activism, there’s too much legislation coming from the EU. BORIS: 51% youth unemployment in Greece. All these projects are dwarfed in importance by the choice we face before us on May the fifth, do we want - well the choices I’ll set it out for you on the one hand you’ve got a victory not just for Sadiq Khan but for Jeremy Corbyn’s Sadiq Khan, don’t forget that Jeremy Corbyn is a man whose idea of a defence policy is to send Britain’s nuclear submarines to sea, without nuclear missiles aboard. Why does the Chinese government want to have offshore renminbi trading in London? That £350m per week is exactly what the Office of National Statistics says is the amount due to the EU. OK. That seems to be an attraction. I think…. European judges constantly interfere whenever we try to protect our borders, meaning we have little power to turn away people who can’t contribute to the economy or who have criminal records. Source: We all recognise that there are real risks facing our economy if we remain in the EU. And we were able to control our immigration. Boris: If we stay in this system which is completely, in my view, politically bankrupt we will be locked into a system where we continue to send about £20bn a year to Brussels only £10bn of which comes back much of which is misspent. One more, last one. Last year, 270,000 people came to this country from the EU and net migration was 184,000. Did those rights and those freedoms, that spirit, come from the European Union? Why do you not want to be the Mayor of London anymore? But there should be no confusion between the wonders of Europe and the holidays of Europe and food and friendship and whatever else you get from Europe with a political project that is basically being going on now for decades which Britain has been a member of since 1975 and I now think is in real danger of getting out of proper democratic control. Chair: Who knows, Boris – we may even need to see you again if you carry on like this. Ladies and gentlemen the triumphant arch of Palmyra. On the cable car, it is just worth reminding you that it makes money and it has already accumulated a surplus of £1m, and it is the only piece of transport infrastructure that is going to cover both its capital and its revenue costs. Would you like to comment? Male voice: I also have concerns, I have concerns that... how many schools, how many houses we will need in two, three, five years time if we don’t know how many people are coming into this country? Welcome to Manchester. I was speaking about a cost. So I think that, while I understand why people are concerned, I think we should take what he says at face value. If we vote to leave the EU on 23 June, we will be able to do something about one of the main causes of higher demand - uncontrolled and unlimited migration from the EU into the UK. Every police officer, virtually, on the beat will have a body-worn camera. As the Five Presidents put it: “Much can be already achieved through a deepening of the Single Market, which is important for all 28 EU member states.” So even though Britain is out of the euro, there is nothing we can do to stop our friends from using “single market” legislation to push forward centralising measures that will help prop up the euro (or so they imagine), by aligning EU economic, social and fiscal policies. This truly unique restaurant offered an all-you-can-eat menu with a real quality. It is not reasonable for politicians continually to tell the electorate that they can control it when they cannot. You have been thinking about this a lot because you have chosen a position. What was he fighting for, in the Second World War? We know that over half a million jobs were associated with the EU a few years ago, so we know that this is a crucial area of our economic aspects. That is a disaster for people who care about endangered animals in this country. Kemi Badenoch AM: Thank you, chair. I think that's certainly something that has been actively supported from City Hall. In 1993, VAT on household energy bills was imposed. Question: Would you like there to be one then Boris? We are extremely punctilious. Murad Qureshi AM: Yes, they are transnational. BORIS: …He didn’t like the way the PIP thing was being done, but the great news is that it’s now been out to one side and we are going…. The man deserves a medal. As long as we remain in and as long as we have the 1972 European Communities Act in the way that it is currently formulated, there is absolutely no way that we can change any of that corpus of EU law. This is rubbish. You know, it might be a good idea.””. In that respect they have an immense advantage over the vast majority of businesses in this country. When you set the target for 32,000 police officers did you realise that the parts of the police that come from London, like the back office staff, the catering staff, the people that have had to be cut, along with buildings and cars and other resources, were going to actually mean that the people that work there now look less like London, because we were the groups that came from London. The chair: Thank you very much. That he’s predicted. I'm glad you approve. But there is a huge opportunity now for us, as the gentleman just now was indicating, for us to strike some additional free trade deals with growth economies, not just the United States, we don't have a free trade deal with the United States at the moment, but with growth economies around the world. No, there is not. It only happened a few years ago. The crucial thing to understand from the point of view of agriculture is that provided we’d complied, provided, you know, the goods were… good to eat, they were fit and proper and healthy and all the rest of it, there’d be no difficulty at all selling in to the rest of the EU, you just wouldn’t have the same burden of regulation. Boris Johnson: Yes, of course. BORIS: Well that’s, thanks Michael, I’ve tried very extensively to deal with that very argument because I think it is something that people intuitively feel, that maybe we should try and help our neighbours by going for reform. That is the core of the whole conundrum. How can you and your government support a policy that the government’s own equality statements says will squeeze out affordable housing? And even fear isn’t particularly scary at the moment.”, “Is that your only question? Piers: Sadiq Khan called you a big fat liar, Paddy Ashdown did not dissent from that description... are you a big fat liar? Chair: Just to tell you, and to tell everybody in the room, that at 11am the division bell will sound and we will observe one minute’s silence, as will the rest of the House of Commons, in respect for the events in Brussels. It is absolute nonsense. So what do you think about that in terms of targeting London's economic strategy much more about growth markets and potential markets across the Caribbean, Africa and Asia? Q1185 Mr Rees-Mogg: The point you make about the Abu Hamza family case is very important, because not only were we promised that the charter of fundamental rights would not apply in the United Kingdom – there is a protocol attached to the treaties that it was pretended achieved that – but the court tried to keep it secret to save themselves from the shame of having interfered so directly in UK criminal law rather than in a matter of the single market. What we mean by the single market, it seems to me, is the whole corpus of European law adjudicated by the European court of justice.
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