nursing diagnosis of epistaxis ppt

The target audience includes hematologists, general practitioners, internists, other clinicians and decision-makers, and patients. Tell the client how to identify signs of infection. Home This recommendation addresses patients with an intermediate VWD pretest probability (∼20%) corresponding to those typically referred for hematology evaluation because of an abnormal personal bleeding history or abnormal initial laboratory tests (eg, prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time [aPTT]) (including men and children). Supplemental File 2 provides the complete disclosure-of-interest forms of all panel members. The issue of diagnostic cutoffs is of great importance in certain health care systems, as it has a major impact on who is able to access care. The panel determined that there is a moderate certainty of evidence for the test accuracy of the validated BATs. Neurology – Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Diagnosis for Ischemic Stroke: Impaired physical mobility related to hemiparesis, loss of balance and coordination, spasticity, and brain injury Acute pain (painful shoulder) related to … Combien de temps vous reste-t-il ? Conversely, the VWFpp assay is simple to perform and requires only a single blood draw, but it is not available in most clinical laboratories. BS, bleeding score; CBC, complete blood count; DDAVP, desmopressin; FVIII, factor FVIII; FVIII:C, FVIII coagulant activity; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial thromboplastin time; r/o, rule out; TT, thrombin time; VWF:CB/Ag, ratio of VWF collagen binding to antigen; VWF:FVIIIB, VWF FVIII binding. Epistaxis, or bleeding from the nose, is a common complaint. The two most important factors in childhood epistaxis are: minor trauma - from nose picking, rubbing, sneezing, coughing or straining The Outcomes and Implementation Research Unit at KUMC vetted and retained researchers to conduct systematic reviews of evidence and coordinate the guideline-development process including the use of the GRADE approach. VWD diagnostic testing should be performed when patients are at a baseline state of health. Adherence to this recommendation according to the guideline could be used as a quality criterion or performance indicator. so, if you have problem or you are infected with any disease kindly contact him on email The panel was concerned that a decision to remove a VWD diagnosis might result in a patient not receiving appropriate treatment of a bleed or prior to a procedure, in addition to the patient not having appropriate clinical follow-up and monitoring. The panel included pediatric and adult hematologists, internists, and laboratory specialists who all had clinical and research expertise on the guideline topic, as well as 4 patient representatives. The panel suggests targeted genetic testing over low-dose RIPA to diagnose type 2B VWD for patients suspected of type 2A or 2B in need of additional testing (Figure 2) (conditional recommendation based on low certainty in the evidence from diagnostic accuracy studies ⊕⊕◯◯). The panel judged there to be moderate benefits of the newer assays, reflecting the lower coefficient of variation and higher reproducibility compared with VWF:RCo. The majority of individuals in this situation would want the suggested course of action, but many would not. For VWF levels of 0.41 to 0.50 IU/mL, the LR was 0.73 (0.41-1.30); for VWF levels of 0.51 to 0.60 IU/mL, the LR was 0.33 (0.18-0.62).71  Of critical importance, studies evaluating the correlation of VWF levels and bleeding symptoms show a similar bleeding phenotype across the range of VWF levels and specifically do not show more severe bleeding in those with VWF levels <0.30 IU/mL.65,69  Additionally, 70 of 93 patients with VWF levels of 0.30 to 0.50 IU/mL were investigated after a bleeding episode: mucocutaneous bleeding was present in 35, 25 bled after surgery, and 10 bled after dental procedures. ASH staff and the ASH Guideline Oversight Subcommittee reviewed the disclosures and composed the guideline panel to include a diversity of expertise and perspectives and avoid a majority of the panel having the same or similar conflicts. This testimony serve as an expression of my gratitude. Additional research, focused on the diagnostic test accuracy of RIPA, would be beneficial. Not all patients can safely undergo a desmopressin trial, including very young and very old patients, because of the risks associated with desmopressin (eg, hyponatremia or thrombosis); in these patients, the VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio could be helpful. Tell the client the importance of wound care during the postoperative period. Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the power of, find free presentations research about Nanda PPT. Newer assays that reflect the platelet-binding activity of VWF (eg, VWF:GPIbM, VWF:GPIbR). Jenny Castano, Emily Senerth, and Rob Kunkle from ASH; Cary Clark from ISTH; Ellen Riker and Mark Skinner from NHF; and Fiona Robinson from WFH for organizational support. Epistaxis is nose bleeding. This recommendation applies predominantly to adult women, as the data supporting the use of a BAT as a screening tool is strongest in this patient group. This recommendation addresses patients with a high VWD pretest probability (∼50%) corresponding to those typically referred for hematology evaluation because of an affected first-degree relative regardless of their bleeding symptoms or initial laboratory tests (including men and children). We suggest referring to this as ‘Low VWF’.”55  This guideline panel prioritized ensuring access to medical care and therefore recommends a level of <0.30 IU/mL regardless of bleeding and a VWF level of 0.30 to 0.50 IU/mL for patients with abnormal bleeding to confirm the diagnosis of type 1 VWD. You can reach him Email Via / whatsapp +2347081986098    Website/, Hello, I want to write a little review about the good work of doctor ehiaguna, who cured me from HSV 1&2 for just 2 week with his herbal medicine, I never believe I can be cured again and have a good life like others, I always regretted the day I got diagnose with this virus, I become lost of hope when my doctor told me there is no cure for it, Well I am so grateful for my helper who get me cured with his herbal medicine, I went online in search of anything that can help me because I can’t deal with it forever so I found dr ehiaguna email on a Facebook of someone who was cured by him,of the same herpes, so I quickly contacted him for help and explained all my pains to him, he told me not to worry about it there is a cure for real, I never believe until he sent me the herbs when I ordered for it and I got it within 5 working days that is how I took the medicine for 2 weeks and the following week I went for a test just to confirm I was 100% cured from this sickness what a miracle in my life, I am so happy right now, and forever greatful, you can also get in contact with him if you have such sickness through his whatsapp +2348073908953 you can also visit his website. They should never be omitted when quoting or translating recommendations from these guidelines. Episodes of nose bleeding are self-evident. Posterior bleeding, which is less common, may be more difficult to control. La réponse est peut-être ici ! Identification of four potential missense mutations within the putative GpIb binding domain, Type 2B von Willebrand’s disease in thirteen individuals from five unrelated Australian families: phenotype and genotype correlations, UHG-based mutation screening in type 2B von Willebrand’s disease: detection of a candidate mutation Ser547Phe, Phenotypic parameters in genotypically selected type 2B von Willebrand disease patients: a large, single-center experience including a new novel mutation, The spectrum of mutations in southern Spanish patients with von Willebrand disease, Molecular and clinical profile of von Willebrand disease in Spain (PCM-EVW-ES): proposal for a new diagnostic paradigm, Molecular and clinical profile of von Willebrand disease in Spain (PCM-EVW-ES): comprehensive genetic analysis by next-generation sequencing of 480 patients, Systematic analysis of bleeding phenotype in PT-VWD compared to type 2B VWD using an electronic bleeding questionnaire, French Reference Center for von Willebrand disease, A laboratory phenotype/genotype correlation of 1167 French patients from 670 families with von Willebrand disease: a new epidemiologic picture, De novo mutation and somatic mosaicism of gene mutation in type 2A, 2B and 2M VWD, Evaluation of an automated screening assay for von Willebrand disease type 2N, Type 2N von Willebrand disease: rapid genetic diagnosis of G2811A (R854Q), C2696T (R816W), T2701A (H817Q) and G2823T (C858F)–detection of a novel candidate type 2N mutation: C2810T (R854W), Large experience with a factor VIII binding assay of plasma von Willebrand factor using commercial reagents, Identifying carriers of type 2N von Willebrand disease: procedures and significance, The evaluation of factor VIII binding activity of von Willebrand factor by means of an ELISA method: significance and practical implications, Type 2N von Willebrand disease: characterization and diagnostic difficulties, Rapid molecular diagnosis of von Willebrand disease by direct sequencing. Six hundred one participants responded from 71 countries, including clinicians, patients and caregivers, and members of allied health teams. Likewise, RIPA is not available at all centers; however, that test requires a fresh sample; therefore, shipping is not possible, limiting accessibility to the test. Multiple published guidelines recommend a cutoff of <0.30 IU/mL for a definite diagnosis of type 1 VWD, with the US National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) guidelines stating that “this recommendation does not preclude the diagnosis of VWD in individuals with VWF:RCo of 30 to 50 IU/dL if there is supporting clinical evidence and/or family evidence for VWD.”75  The recommendation of the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors Organization (UKHCDO) states: “Patients with an appropriate bleeding history and VWF activity 0.30-0.50 IU/mL should be regarded as having primary hemostatic bleeding with reduced VWF as a risk factor rather than VWD. The current classification includes types 1 and 3, which are characterized by quantitative deficiencies of von Willebrand factor (VWF), as well as types 2A, 2B, 2M, and 2N, which are qualitative variants. The guideline panel also explicitly took into account the extent of resource use associated with alternative management options. Nosebleeds. Nursing diagnoses describe patient needs or responses to health conditions and treatments ; Nursing diagnoses reflect the patients level of health or response to disease, emotional state, socio-cultural phenomenon, or developmental stage ; 3 Medical vs. nursing diagnoses. In general, a higher VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio was associated with a shorter VWF half-life and a higher rate of an identified VWF mutation, but it was noted that in some patients, the ratio can be normal but the clearance of VWF rapid.79  The EtD framework for this recommendation is available online at The panel identified a critical need for longitudinal studies that correlate VWF levels with bleeding symptoms as patients age, adjusted for comorbidities. List of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Nursing Diagnosis N... Not enough room for the baby to go through the vagina. Other researchers participated to fulfill requirements of an academic degree or program. Reconsidering the diagnosis also requires a detailed discussion and may not completely avoid the issue of loss of insurance coverage; for example, in the United States, patients with a diagnosis of bleeding of unknown cause (BUC) are generally restricted from coverage of intranasal desmopressin. Introduction-GRADE evidence profiles and summary of findings tables, GRADE Guidelines: 16. For type 2M VWD, the sensitivity of VWF:CB/VWF:Ag was 0.98 (95% CI, 0.96-1.00) with a specificity of 0.99 (95% CI, 0.98-1.00), vs a sensitivity of 0.86 (95% CI, 0.73-0.98) and a specificity of 0.97 (95% CI, 0.94-0.99) for multimers. Most individuals should follow the recommended course of action. von Willebrand disease (VWD) is the most common inherited bleeding disorder known in humans. The panel’s work was done using Web-based tools ( and and face-to-face and online meetings. All 4 collaborating organizations made nominations, with ASH vetting all individuals appointed to the guideline panel. or / whatssapp --+2347081986098. Many included studies suffered from a high risk of bias due to the lack of clear reference standards and issues with patient selection. Supplemental File 3 provides the complete disclosure-of-interest forms of researchers who contributed to these guidelines. No specific resources would be required to remove a VWD diagnosis; however, the panel acknowledges that the necessary discussion between physician and patient is likely to be complicated and require adequate time. i took it for two weeks after then he instructed me to go for check up, after the test i was confirmed herpes negative. Nursing Process. Recently, the NHF Medical and Scientific Advisory Council (MASAC) raised concern about the critical importance of preanalytical variables in VWD testing, and the possibility of false-positive results from samples processed or shipped improperly.121  This guideline panel acknowledges the significance of this issue in avoiding a misdiagnosis of VWD, which has been reported in a cohort of women being investigated for a bleeding disorder.122, These guidelines focused on the most common inherited forms of VWD; however, we would like to highlight the recently published guidance document on the diagnosis and management of platelet-type VWD from the ISTH Platelet Physiology Subcommittee123  and several recent reviews on acquired von Willebrand syndrome.124,125. Looking For Free NCLEX Questions For Practice ? Decisions about reconsidering or removing the diagnosis should consider the patient’s values and preferences and be informed by a shared decision-making process. 2: Clinical practice guidelines, GRADE Evidence to Decision (EtD) frameworks: a systematic and transparent approach to making well informed healthcare choices. The widespread lack of age-specific normal ranges was also identified as a complicating factor. Members of the guideline panel received travel reimbursement for attendance at in-person meetings. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. DIABETES, CANCER, HIV/AIDS, HERPES, HEPATITIS A&B, HEART DISEASES, CHRONIC DISEASES,  YELLO FEVER, EPILEPSY, LUPUS, STRIKE, SPINAL CORD, ECZEMA, KIDNEY DISEASES, ACME, BACK PAIN,   DENGUE SCHIZOPHRENIA, POLIO,MULTIPLES SCLEROSIS, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, VAGINAL  DISCHARGETHYROID, ARTHRITIS, MENINGITIS.etcWhy don't you contact Doctor Akhigbe and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest herbalist doctor, he is also know as the godfather of herbal root. The document was revised to address pertinent comments, but no changes were made to recommendations. The Outcomes and Implementation Research Unit at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) supported the guideline-development process, including performing or updating systematic evidence reviews up to 8 January 2020. The panel is grateful for his advice and contributions to the early guideline efforts, and for his lifetime of scholarship and service to the bleeding disorders community. A common condition with a bimodal age distribution, occurring more frequently in the young and the old. Contact him now via his email:         or whatsapp   him on     +2349010754824. who chaired the management panel. Likewise, VWF:FVIIIB is not available at all centers, but shipping of plasma is possible. All panelists were full and equal voting members with regard to the recommendations, with the exception of recusals as described in the next section. Or use the search field that already we provide. Dr. Wiler is the assistant chief of clinical operations in the department of emergency medicine and the medical director of the ED observation unit at Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. Most laboratories that do the VWF:CB assay use type I and/or III collagen, which is known to be a surrogate for the presence of high-molecular-weight VWF. D'Aguanno V, Ralli M, Greco A, de Vincentiis M. Clinical Recommendations for Epistaxis Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Imbalanced Nutrition. The guideline panel reviewed draft EtD tables before, during, or after the guideline panel meeting, made suggestions for corrections, and identified missing evidence. Don't forget to share the article Nursing Care Plan for Cesarean Section (C-section) this in social media. Furthermore, although the inheritance of type 1 VWD in families with VWF levels <0.30 IU/mL is autosomal dominant, in families with VWF levels of 0.30 to 0.50 IU/mL, the issues of incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity complicate inheritance.70  In this latter group, the bleeding is likely to be complex, with contribution from genes outside of VWF; a concomitant bleeding disorder, such as a platelet function disorder, should be considered. Formal decision aids are not likely to be needed to help individual patients make decisions consistent with their values and preferences. During a 2-day in-person meeting followed by online communication and conference calls, the panel developed clinical recommendations based on the evidence summarized in the EtD tables. i was infected with herpes simplex virus 2 in 2013, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so i was thinking on how i can get a solution out so that my body can be okay. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences (Eurasia J Biosci, e-ISSN 1307-9867) is an international, refereed electronic journal.It publishes the results of original research in the field of biological sciences especially related to morphology, physiology, genetics, ethnobiology, ethnobotany, taxonomy, ecology and biogeography of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. This article is accompanied by a self-assessment questionnaire so you can test your knowledge after reading it. Increase of von Willebrand factor with aging in type 1 von Willebrand disease: fact or fiction? Given the ongoing global pandemic, there is an urgent need to understand the rate of bleeding and thrombotic manifestations associated with COVID-19 coagulopathy, as well as the clinical utility of abnormal coagulation testing to predict risk for bleeding, thrombosis, and severity of illness. Conflicts of interest of all participants were managed according to ASH policies based on IOM recommendations (2009) and G-I-N.3  Participants disclosed all financial and nonfinancial interests relevant to the guideline topic. Anaemia Diagnosis complete blood count(CBC) thorough evaluation of the patient Physical examination and medical history 27. Aging and comorbidities are known to increase VWF levels. HOW I GOT CURED OF HERPES VIRUS.Hello everyone out there, i am here to give my testimony about a herbalist called dr imoloa. Interpretation of strong and conditional recommendations. The panel followed best practices for guideline development recommended by the Institute of Medicine and the Guidelines International Network (G-I-N).1-3  The panel used the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach4-10  to assess the certainty in the evidence and formulate recommendations. What are others saying and what is new in these guidelines? then he told me the necessary things to do before he will send  the herbal medicine. Another nursing consideration is regarding airway clearance. Medical diagnosis- Identifies disease or pathology Data were reviewed for all published methods for VWF:RCo, VWF:GPIbM, VWF:GPIbR, and VWF:Ab (supplemental File 5); however, consistent with the recommendation of the ISTH and other groups, we focused our deliberations on the first 3 as direct measures of the platelet-binding activity of VWF.54,55  The ranges of sensitivity and specificity across 4 studies for VWF:RCo were 0.83 to 1.00 and 0.87 to 0.95, respectively.56-59  For VWF:GPIbR, from 4 studies, it was 0.80 to 1.00 and 0.81 to 0.9756-59  and for VWF:GPIbM, from 2 studies, 0.62 to 0.82 and 0.90 to 0.97, respectively.56-59  Therefore, the panel judged test accuracy to be generally comparable between the different assays. With this recommendation, the panel worked under the assumption that the original diagnosis of type 1 VWD was accurate. Based on the available evidence, it is likely that the use of BATs will identify patients with VWD in primary care settings to help clinicians identify who needs additional, specialized laboratory testing. Insurance coverage for both assays varies widely. The panel determined that there is low-certainty evidence to recommend either performing VWF multimer analysis or using the VWF:CB/VWF:Ag ratio to identify type 2A, 2B, or 2M VWD. Despite the low certainty in the evidence, the panel decided on a strong recommendation for 2 reasons: (1) a high value was placed on an explicit diagnosis to ensure access to care for those with a bleeding phenotype and (2) to ensure international uniformity in diagnostic criteria and the avoidance of center-specific thresholds based on a conditional recommendation.76  Although a definite diagnosis of type 1 VWD is straightforward in those with VWF levels <0.30 IU/mL, the advantage of pursuing and assigning a definitive diagnosis in mild or borderline cases was weighed against the risk of overdiagnosis and overmedicalization. When patients become mouth breathers, they get super super dry and cracked. Research priorities include the need for studies addressing the sensitivity and specificity of various VWFpp/VWF:Ag thresholds, the clearance and half-life of VWFpp, and whether those variables are constant, in addition to studies that always include the 4-hour postinfusion time point for desmopressin trials. The panel considered not missing an affected patient an important benefit, in addition to identifying patients in a timely manner and decreasing unnecessary blood testing. Clinically, VWD patients experience excessive mucocutaneous bleeding, including heavy menstrual bleeding, epistaxis, easy bruising, prolonged bleeding from minor wounds and the oral cavity, and gastrointestinal bleeding, as well as bleeding after dental work, childbirth, and surgery, with musculoskeletal bleeding also seen in the most severe cases. To ensure that recent studies were not missed, searches (presented in supplemental File 4) were updated on 8 January 2020, and panel members were asked to suggest any studies that might have been considered missed that fulfilled the inclusion criteria for the individual questions. AND SO ON. [] Most nosebleeds are benign, self-limiting, and spontaneous, but some can be recurrent. In contrast to all other type 2 and type 1 VWD, type 2N is autosomal recessive, which is critical for appropriate genetic counseling within families. Specific blood testing for VWD refers to VWF:Ag, platelet-dependent VWF activity (eg, VWF:GPIbM), and FVIII:C. For patients with a high probability of VWD (eg, affected first-degree relative), the panel recommends against relying on a BAT to decide whether to order specific blood testing (strong recommendation based on moderate certainty in the evidence from diagnostic accuracy studies ⊕⊕⊕◯). One chair was a content expert; the other chair was an expert in guideline-development methodology. Additionally, some treatments will also be helpful for individuals with other bleeding disorders (such as tranexamic acid or combined oral contraceptives for heavy menstrual bleeding). An overall algorithm addressing the diagnosis of VWD. The certainty was categorized into 4 levels: very low (⊕◯◯◯), low (⊕⊕◯◯), moderate (⊕⊕⊕◯), and high (⊕⊕⊕⊕).7,8,29,30,37-39. Other purposes are to inform policy, education, and advocacy, and to state future research needs. For patients with a low probability of VWD (eg, seen in the primary care setting), the panel recommends using a validated BAT as an initial screening test to determine who needs specific blood testing over nonstandardized clinical assessment (strong recommendation based on moderate certainty in the evidence from diagnostic accuracy studies ⊕⊕⊕◯). For patients with an abnormal initial VWD screen (low VWF:Ag and/or platelet-dependent VWF activity) suspected of type 2 VWD, should a platelet-dependent VWF activity/VWF:Ag ratio cutoff of <0.5 or a higher cutoff of <0.7 be used to confirm type 2 VWD? so, if you have problem or you are infected with any disease kindly contact him on email--- VWD is caused by deficiency or dysfunction of the multimeric glycoprotein VWF, which plays key hemostatic roles in the circulation, including platelet adhesion and aggregation at sites of vascular injury, and acts as a chaperone for FVIII.13  The VWF gene is located on the long arm of chromosome 12 and comprises 52 exons that encode 2813 amino acids.14, VWD is characterized by excessive mucocutaneous bleeding, such as heavy menstrual bleeding, epistaxis, easy bruising, prolonged bleeding from minor wounds and the oral cavity, and gastrointestinal bleeding, as well as bleeding after dental work, childbirth, and surgery, with musculoskeletal bleeding, including joint bleeding seen in more severe cases.13  It is the most common bleeding disorder known in humans and is inherited equally between men and women; however, women are more likely to come to medical attention because of gynecologic and obstetric bleeding. The work of the panel was coordinated by ASH and the Outcomes and Implementation Research Unit at KUMC (funded by the collaborating organizations, under a paid agreement). There was serious risk of bias because of the case-control study design and serious issues with the reference standard and/or index test bias in many of the studies; type 2B VWD is often defined by the VWF mutation and/or the identification of platelet agglutination with a low ristocetin concentration on RIPA. Cleveland Clinic is … COMPARED. VWD prevalence estimates range from ∼1 in 100 to 1 in 10 000.13,15-17  At the level of primary care, ∼1 in 1000 individuals are affected and require medical attention for bleeding.18,19  The current International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) classification recognizes 3 types: type 1 is a partial quantitative deficiency of VWF, type 2 is caused by qualitative abnormalities of VWF, and type 3 is a virtual absence of the VWF protein with associated very low FVIII levels.
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