evaluate the most significant response to the protestant reformation

The Protestant Reformation, starting only ten years before the English Reformation did, first recognized the corruption of the Catholic Church. Share your email and we’ll send you To Sow for A Great Awakening: A Call to Travailing Prayer, as well as weekly updates, announcements of new releases, special promotions, and more! Responses earn 1 point by responding to the prompt with a historically defensible thesis that establishes a line The Reformation ended the unity imposed by medieval Christianity and, in the eyes of many … Today, some theologians continue to disagree on key questions such as: Regardless of how one answers these questions, it is undeniable that what happened 500  years ago was the biggest upheaval in Western church history. Below are ten such consequences, highlighting some of the theological and cultural fruit born out of the protests of these movements. SSPL/Getty Images. Of course, this distinction remained difficult to maintain even for Luther, who ultimately supported the state’s enforcement of Christian orthodoxy. He started off by writing 95 these and nailed them to the church door for everyone to see. The Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation is known as the Counter Reformation, or Catholic Reformation, which resulted in a reassertion of traditional doctrines and the emergence of new religious orders aimed at both moral reform and new missionary activity. The Protestant Reformation was a long-term movement that challenged papal authority and questioned the Catholic Church's practices. Protestant Reformation is admittedly one of the most important schisms in the history of Christianity. Five hundred years ago, a humble German friar challenged the Catholic church, sparked the Reformation… He enjoys spending his free time with family and friends, doing design, photography, and gardening. As a result of increased corruption in the Catholic Church, a significant number of priests in the 16th century tried to transform Christianity back to its previous Biblical basis and simplicity. Every dimension of salvation depended exclusively on God’s grace. Reformation Day is celebrated annually on October 31st, the day that Martin Luther famously nailed his 95 Theses to the door of Castle Church at Wittenberg in 1517. Watch: “John Wesley’s Place in the Protestant Reformation” by Laurence Wood, Until the Reformation, the only Bible readily available to the Western church was the Latin Vulgate. (see this article by Mark Noll on the promise and problem with sola scriptura; see also the Reforming Catholic Confession, signed by 1000+ representatives of “Mere Protestants.”). New religious orders such as the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) were founded to help carry these out. Is the Reformation over, or does it continue to this day? Historians still debate the reasons why people, and the governments who reacted to their wishes, took up the ‘Protestant’ cause (as the reformers became known), but a combination is likely, involving seizing land and power from the old church, genuine belief in the new message, ‘flattery’ by laypeople at being involved in religious debate for the first time and in their language, deflecting dissent onto the church, and freedom from old church … This was in contrast to the late medieval edifice of penitential deeds that could be performed in order to absolve a person from sin or shorten their time (or their deceased family members’ time!) In sharp contrast, and in critical relief, the reformers taught that Christ’s work, when joined to faith, would justify a person (meaning, to forgive them). The Protestant Reformation was revolutionary due to the fact that the reformers preached against everything the Catholic Church had been teaching. Initially, priests channeled much of their efforts in reforming the church, but they discovered that it was very challenging, and, The Protestant Reformation This distortion of Christian teaching, popularly called salvation by works, culminated in jingles that could be heard on town streets intended to stir lay people to action: “As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.” Another one was: “Place your penny on the drum, the pearly gates open and in strolls mum.” A purgatory industry was set up to exchange monetary gifts for forgiveness. Naturally, these styles are all shaped by historical forces, the most significant being the Protestant Reformation’s successful challenge to the spiritual and political power of the Church in Rome. Finally, both bread and wine were once again shared with everyone eager to participate in the Mass. “Evaluate the most significant effect of state centralization by European monarchs during the period . Many citizens saw it as a disrespectful threat to the society as a whole, but as the protest began to increase , several people would rise in fame in Europe. This reformation was seen as a counter to the religious authoritative rules set in place by society. Why the Protestant Reformation is considered a significant development in the Christian Church. The Reformation: A History by Diarmaid MacCulloch T he Protestant Reformation was indeed one of the most consequential events in modern history, and its 500 th anniversary represents an excellent opportunity to take stock on how it has affected the nature of politics in the present.. Pontiffs (the official term for the office of pope) hired mercenaries to serve as standing armies. Thus opened the eyes of the people who had begun to question centuries of Catholic beliefs. The English Reformation noticed the corruptions of the Catholic Church, but was more focused on creating new political and religious authority. Many citizens saw A number of them are in fact contested.
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