cognitive dissonance research studies

The adoption of the theoretical framework enables us to explore how behavioural and cognitive responses to negative disconfirmation relate to satisfaction. (f) Some researchers argue that dissonance may not be the most important concept to explain attitude change. The research on cognitive dissonance was done by Festinger and Carlsmith in 1959. The study’s data collection consists of data of almost 2200 participants. Appraisal components, core relational themes, and the emotions. Lee, D.-J., Sirgy, M. J., Larsen, V., & Wright, N. D. (2002). However, Cognitive Dissonance Theory provides a competing perspective, suggesting that the negative disconfirmation might initiate the reduction of perceived discrepancy between expectation and performance (Festinger, 1962), thus potentially leading to satisfaction. The first studies to examine whether dissonance functioned like a drive borrowed from research in human learning. The cognitive adjustment represents a coping mechanism reducing the feeling of inconsistency with one’s prior beliefs. MIS Quarterly, 28, 229–254. & Morrison, M. 2009. Cognitive dissonance. The results of the analysis showed a significant and positive relationship between negative disconfirmation and dissonance (H1). The findings provide practitioners with a user’s perspective on the utilisation of technology following disconfirmed expectations. Regret is a painful feeling, since it implies a personal fault in the negative outcome and raises counterfactual thinking (Connolly and Zeelenberg, 2002, Gilovich et al., 1995b). Still, if examined independently, each emotion may result in different behavioural responses (Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2010). For example, smart homes provide social connectivity, remote healthcare accessibility, they enable health monitoring and the prevention of health-threatening events (Reeder et al., 2013, Demiris and Hensel, 2009, Chan et al., 2009), which fits the requirements of elderly, vulnerable people and those in need of assistance (Cesta et al., 2011, Ehrenhard et al., 2014). This is crucial for a competitive market, which can make people switch to alternatives to smart home technologies. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Journal of Personality and Audiovisual sensing of human movements for home-care and security in a smart environment. Journal of Marketing Research, 460–469. (1964). Information Systems Frontiers, 21, 495–501. Those relationships confirmed the assumption that the reduction/elimination of cognitive discrepancy and psychological tension (Festinger, 1962) contributes to satisfaction (Vroom and Deci, 1971) and potentially increases perceived wellbeing. Based on the above, our first hypothesis is put forward: H1:The disconfirmation of technology performance with prior expectations has a positive effect on dissonance arousal. (2018). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. The established relationship between disconfirmation and dissonance and the insight into the users’ characteristics suggests that performance issues were critical and the expectation-perception discrepancy could not be tolerated by users. Specifically, subjects were asked to put spools onto and then off the try with the use of only one hand for half an hour, and then for the next half hour, turn square pegs clockwise in quarter turns, and then start all over again once the whole cycle's been finished for … Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan Therefore, dissonance reflecting a disconfirmed belief about personal technical competence is more likely to be associated with anger. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 2018. Regret: A model of its antecedents and consequences in consumer decision making. Drawing on prior research (Pappas, 2018, Pappas et al., 2016) confirming that there are several ways through which consumers’ purchase intention can be shaped, the results of this study about the effect of emotions provide practical suggestions as to how to change consumer emotions and intention. Economic value is achieved by transforming traditional healthcare to homecare and taking advantage of smart lighting and energy management systems, which enable users to reduce spending on resource consumption and physical visits to a doctor (Marikyan et al., 2019). Ismagilova, E., Hughes, L., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Raman, K. R. (2019). The theory of cognitive dissonance has generated a good deal of research in consumer behavior. The conditions include the degree of control over behaviour, the extent of responsibility for behavioural outcome, the justifiability of behaviour, the availability of better behavioural alternatives and the degree to which behaviour violates personal or social norms (Smith and Lazarus, 1993, Harmon-Jones et al., 2017, Harmon-Jones et al., 2003, Amodio et al., 2007, Connolly and Zeelenberg, 2002, Gilovich et al., 1995a). work and residential areas) is speeding up the transformational impact of digitalisation on society (Papagiannidis and Marikyan, 2019, Gupta et al., 2018). It also created controversy about his legal pray in the apex court of the country about Memo-Gate Scandal. However, regret is dissimilar from anger by the degree of counterfactual thinking that a regrettable decision implies (Connolly and Zeelenberg, 2002, Gilovich et al., 1995b). American social psychologist Leon Festinger tabled this theory in 1956. For example, a Protestant or Catholic terrorist in Northern Ireland can take part in violent activities because they have created cognitions that have dehumanized the other side. Dissonance can arise not only due to the discrepancy between expectation and performance, but the comparison of pre-service and post-service performance of technology or IS systems (Park et al., 2015). British Journal of Management, 27, 3–20. Cognitive Dissonance is refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. The model fit indices were satisfactory (χ2(645) = 1874.935, CMIN/DF = 2.907, CFI = 0.904, RMSEA = 0.07), which made it possible to proceed with path analysis (Table 4). Strategic management of expectations: The role of disconfirmation sensitivity and perfectionism. dissatisfaction). ACTIONS CAN AFFECT PREFERENCES Studies by social psychologists have documented the possi-bility that action choices affect preferences. This article arises out of a study that was conducted on cognitive dissonance in social work. The study provides some practical implications too. Regret reflects self-blame for the behaviour that should not have been performed (Connolly and Zeelenberg, 2002, Gilovich et al., 1995b). In addition, the findings provide evidence about the consequences of smart homes utilisation following weak performance, which has been lacking to date. Walsh, G., Albrecht, A. K., Kunz, W., & Hofacker, C. F. (2016). IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 24, 43–47. Sheth, J. N. (1970).Are there differences in dissonance reduction behavior between Khalid, A. W., & Ah, R. A. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 89, 306–315. Yet certain companies have certain products that rise up into near-monopoly positions. For example, if you want your customers to use tote bag for grocery shopping at your store, there are certain measures you can use. In 1959, Festinger and his colleague James Carlsmith published an influential study showing that cognitive dissonance can affect behavior in unexpected ways. 25–50. Dela. The expectation confirmation, along with perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and usage cost affect users’ satisfaction and subsequent post-adoption behaviour (Zhou, 2011). Regret in decision making. The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the feeling of discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs. Reading to make a decision or to reduce cognitive dissonance? A robust finding in the learning literature was that humans and lower organisms who are in a heightened drive state … Hence, the following hypotheses are put forward in relation to the cognitive dissonance coping mechanisms users may deploy: H6:Attitude change has a positive effect on a) perceived wellbeing and b) satisfaction with technology performance, H7:Consonant information seeking has a positive effect on a) perceived wellbeing and b) satisfaction with technology performance, H8:Behaviour change has a negative effect on a) perceived wellbeing and b) satisfaction with technology performance. of Marketing, 34 (3), 46-51. Guilt is associated with a feeling of shame and self-disappointment and can explain the psychological state between cognitive dissonance and the intention to discontinue the use of technology. Cohen, J. : Comparing consumers' perceptions and shopping orientation across physical and virtual-reality retail stores. (1966). However, the negative effect of behaviour change on perceived well-being was not supported. Elliot, A.J., & Devine, P.G. An empirical study based on expectation-disconfirmation theory. One of the advantages of Dissonance Theory is that it can consider more than two cognitions at a time. Effective utilization of cognitive dissonance in a marketing campaign can be an important factor in fostering brand loyalty. This affective state influences the motivation of individuals to resolve the aroused dissonance (Festinger, 1962, Sweeney et al., 2000). Shahin Sharifi, S., & Rahim Esfidani, M. (2014). Keaveney, S. M., Huber, F., & Herrmann, A. By adopting Cognitive Dissonance Theory, the objectives of the study are a) to examine how dissonance, caused by the negative disconfirmation of expectations, may translate into a positive outcome and b) study how negative emotions, such as anger, guilt and regret, determine the selection of the mechanism to reduce dissonance. These measures can be categorised into three main types, namely attitude change, consonant information-seeking and behaviour change (Festinger, 1962). Information Systems Frontiers, 1–22. Journal of Macromarketing, 22, 158–169. Arousal is the intensity of the feeling and psychological response to it (Harmon-Jones et al., 2017). Negative disconfirmation occurs when performance falls short of expectations (Oliver, 1980, Kopalle and Lehmann, 2001). Cognition & Emotion, 7, 233–269. First, the study contributes to the discussion on expectation-disconfirmation, by illustrating complex psychological processes following the evaluation of technology performance. Similar to anger, the effect of regret on consonant information search was not supported (H5b), suggesting that there was no negative relationship between avoidance-directed behaviour and seeking consonant information. In terms of affective valence, anger, guilt and regret refer to negative emotions. A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. (e) It ignores the effects of message variables on cognitive dissonance and persuasion. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45, 782–791. .(1968). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 1061–1086. However, the digital transformation of residential areas raises high user expectations (Dwivedi et al., 2019), which may undermine post-performance evaluation (Sun and Medaglia, 2019, Fan and Suh, 2014). Cooper and Stone point out that in the more than 1,000 studies using Cognitive Dissonance Theory, only rarely has the group membership of the person experiencing dissonance been considered. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 12. Evidence suggests that anger resulting from the use of technology negatively affects its continuous use (Beaudry and Pinsonneault, 2010), which indicates the role of emotion in motivating avoidance behaviour. Factors affecting e-commerce adoption in the electronic manufacturing companies in Malaysia. The confirmed effect of negative disconfirmation on dissonance adds to the discussion raised by Park et al. North-Holland. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Journal of Marketing, 36 (54), 64-67. Szajna, B., & Scamell, R. W. (1993). For example, the results of prior studies demonstrate that Internet technology adoption is predicted by confirmed expectations about the characteristics of the Internet, such as compatibility, image, financial slack and relative advantage (Lee, 2004). (2014). The findings of the study add to the literature in three ways. While they examined the discrepancy between the perception of services at different stages of technology use, the finding of this study provided evidence on the consequence of the incongruity between expectations and perceptions. Sabi, H. M., Uzoka, F.-M. E., Langmia, K., Njeh, F. N., & Tsuma, C. K. (2018). To verify that respondents had issues with the technologies, they indicated the type of negative incident that they had experienced by selecting it among a predefined list or b) typed the nature of the incident if this was not already included in the list. Those feelings are more likely to end up in switching the product for another alternative. Orwat, C., Graefe, A. Wellbeing captures the cumulative satisfaction with the product and the positive experience that it has on user life, social life, leisure life and community life (El Hedhli et al., 2013). dissonance. In contrast, alternative decisions entailing a positive outcome facilitate the feeling of regret (Roese and Summerville, 2005) and predict switching behaviour (Lee and Lee, 2012). (1995). This study adds to the discussion of the underlying mechanisms of individuals’ behaviour in dissonant situations, such as rationalisation of behaviour or adjustment of perceptions to expectations (Fineman, 1997, Walsh et al., 2016). Companies may take advantage of data-driven knowledge to invest in innovations leading towards a sustainable society. There are three important gaps that need to be considered. Notice they changed. Expectations and product performance as determinants of satisfaction for a high-involvement purchase. Newcastle University Business School, 5 Barrack Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4SE, UK, Davit Marikyan, Savvas Papagiannidis & Eleftherios Alamanos, You can also search for this author in This study used the cognitive dissonance framework to explain the conditions under which users facilitate their positive attitude, affective state about the technology and continuous use. Also, it suggests what behavioural and cognitive changes make people satisfied with the technology despite unexpectedly weak performance. Journal of Consumer Research, 23, 219–239. Furthermore, attitude change is more likely in the direction of less incentive since this result in lower dissonance. Users reappraise innovation attributes during the confirmation stage, so they could reconsider the decision to continuously use innovation (Rogers, 1995, Huang et al., 2013). (2001). Attitude change is defined as the modification of initial expectations or the perception of performance (O’Neill, 2004, Festinger, 1962, Harmon-Jones and Harmon-Jones, 2007). The study has some limitations. The second perspective in the IS adoption research is put forward by Innovation Diffusion Theory, which postulates that the adoption of innovation is contingent on the degree to which the characteristics of the innovation (i.e. self-confidence, self-awareness and self-knowledge) (Jones and Oswick, 2007). & Eirug, A. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 61, 30–40. For example, people who engage in conversations to reduce psychological tension have a lower level of regret than people who do not try relief dissonance through communication (Stice, 1992). Information & Management, 51, 240–248. of Marketing Research, 9, 97-99. Brehm, J. W. (1956). Lynggaard, P. & Skouby, K. E. 2016. Advances in Consumer Research, 8, 442–448. Computers in Human Behavior, 19, 785–797. Smart home benefits determine the user segments of the technology (Wilson et al., 2014). The measurement of cognitive dissonance: Some experimental American Economic Review, 72, 307–319. When it came to the analysis of the role of each emotion in relation to a particular dissonance reduction strategy, the findings demonstrated that anger was negatively associated with attitude change and positively associated with behaviour change (H3a, H3c). Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 1434–1444. (2009b) “Demand Side Voodoo Economics,” The Economist’s Voice, 6(2). Information Systems Frontiers, 20, 185–194. Cognitive Dissonance is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time. (1997). Patterson, P. G. (1993). Investigating use continuance of data mining tools. The examination of different types of emotions makes it possible to explore their motivational role in inhibiting or facilitating the behaviour that causes psychological discomfort. Moral rationalization and the integration of situational factors and (1983). COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, TERRORISM AND 9/11: Defense analysts, intelligence specialists, political leaders and presidents can and do fall victim to pre-conceive views of sources and methods of national security threats. Energy Policy, 63, 363–374. Moving beyond smart cities: Digital nations for social innovation & sustainability. Journal of Business Research, 100, 503–513. She attracted a group of followers who left jobs, schools, and … Although past studies have examined negative emotions, such as anger, regret and guilt, they treated them as a single construct (Jean Tsang, 2019, Gosling et al., 2006). Zeelenberg, M., & Pieters, R. (1999). The focus on smart home users fitted the objectives of the study due to the high expectations that users form and the challenges that the utilisation of technology sometimes causes. On the motivational nature of cognitive dissonance: Given the profile of the respondents, the majority of the sample considered that they had high expertise in technology (64.3%) and had actual utilisation experience of more than 2 years (95.1%). If an individual doesn’t have an opportunity to mix with others of his kind, he gets alienated in the organization pretty soon and is on the way out. (2005). Information Systems Frontiers, 11, 529–536. A significant relationship between dissonance and anger demonstrated that users did not feel in control and capable of using the technology the way they had initially expected (Harmon-Jones, 2004, Harmon-Jones et al., 2017).
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